Sunday, June 05, 2005

You know the end of the year is coming when...

A few indicators I've encountered over the past few days that the end of the school year is coming, even if I hadn't been paying attention to the calendar:

  • Thursday, the high school I was at had a year-end recognition and awards assembly. Since I was subbing for a teacher with a zero hour class -- that's an additional class before the school day proper starts -- and I'd been there since 6:00, I passed on that and caught up on some sleep instead. (Hey, I didn't know any of the students, anyway.)
  • Friday, another high school I was at had a barbecue and carnival at the end of the day. I had a burger and wandered around for a bit, but then went back to my room and caught up on some reading. I had permission to leave early, but knew I wouldn't get as much reading done if I'd gone home!
  • Tomorrow, yet another high school I'll be at will have a morning assembly to say good-bye to the seniors. And since the teacher I'm subbing for doesn't have any students until after the assembly, I've been told I don't have to be there until 9:15!
  • Of course, there's also the graduation announcement we received for our niece. The ceremony is on Friday, I seem to recall. (Congratulations, Morgan. We promise to get you a gift, but I'm afraid it won't be any time soon.)

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