Monday, September 15, 2003

Day 14 of the strike

Okay, word of explanation time first. I've renumbered the strike days to take weekends into account, as that's how it seems to be done traditionally in this state. It was two weeks ago today that the MEA voted to walk out, with 98% voting yes. Let me just say that again: ninety-eight per cent! To get that percentage of nearly six hundred teachers to agree on something this big, it must be needed. Too bad the district didn't get the message right away...

Anyway, today was a very bipolar day for me. I went in feeling very useless, and that we weren't making any difference at all, and why were we on the picket line if the district wasn't even going to talk until Thursday? Well, I felt a lot better today after the next session was moved up to tomorrow afternoon. Hmm, and tomorrow is primary election day, and one of the board members has two challengers... Anyway, this session may not result in anything, but at least there's something going on!

Tomorrow, we're marching for two hours (and since our school is also a polling place, we're just sticking to the main drag, and not in front of the building), then going to a nearby farm for a rally with the entire MEA. The media will be there, and maybe our side will come out at last. We're still getting all kinds of nasty accusations about being greedy and hurting the children and all that, but there's also a lot of pressure being put on the superintendent and the school board by parents. That, ultimately, will very likely bring about the end of this. I just hope it's soon...

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