Monday, March 14, 2011

The latest update

The school district I am currently subbing in has done a very, very smart thing today. This is the first full day after we started Daylight Savings Time (which I still maintain was some sort of joke Ben Franklin came up with, only enough people took him seriously that we now actually have it). It's one of the toughest days of the year to wake up. So it's a professional day for the teachers. In other words, no students, and no need for substitute teachers. So a lot of people got to sleep in and adjust to the new clock today. (Good thing, too, as I had crazy rotten insomnia last night as well.) Not only that, today is π Day, so it's great that the district recognized the holiday.

It's been nearly a month since I last posted, so what's been going on? Not much, really. I have at least been getting steady work, usually at the middle school level (and often, but not always, in math). I actually had another interview, for a middle school supplemental math job in the same district down the road that I last interviewed in, but I apparently didn't get it. It came so quickly out from left field that I didn't really get a chance to mention it here. The district I'm in right now still has a math for the rest of the year position listed, and I've been told that my paperwork is in, but I'm not sure why nothing's happed with it yet. It's been up for nearly two months now, and the new trimester started at the high school last week, so I'm not sure what else can be going on. Meanwhile, the local districts are starting to build their application files for next year, and I've already got one in. It's a bizarre holding pattern, but I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that I'm not going to get a gig for this year — or if I do, it will be so short as to not have a lot of effect. And I also have to figure out what I'm going to do for an income this summer.

But it's not all gloom and doom. My wife, Laura, actually has an interview with the local district this week, working in their computer center. She already did a bang-up job on the skills test, so we're cautiously optimistic. If she does get it, it will be thanks to an aide in one of the middle school libraries, who mentioned the job to me. I passed the word on to Laura. If she gets the job, I am seriously tempted to send that aide a dozen roses!

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